2ha Gotcha 4 Gaza!

The 2ha (The Husky and his White Cat Shizun) Gotcha 4 Gaza is a voluntary fundraising event, aiming to raise money for human relief in Gaza through verified organizations and GoFundMes and thus also show our support. The goal is to raise as much as possible, since even just your five dollars can make a huge difference for someone in need!

Timeline !

Creator Signups: 17th May - 17th June
Donation Period: 24th June - 30th June
Creation Period: provisional for 6 weeks until a first check-in, then a second check-in after another 4 with possible prompt re-assignments to make sure everyone receives their prompt

We are now accepting donations!

Click the donations button below for more details and to find the form where you can submit proof of donation(s) and your prompt(s)! Please fill out the form in its entirety, if you have any questions or concerns, reach out on our Curiouscat, on tumblr asks (@2haAction), or DM us!

sfw art/fic $5
nsfw art/fic $8

2ha Gotcha Creators

Please consider becoming a creator for this event! Creators are what is needed to get the event going to begin with. Anyone is more than welcome, whether you’re a writer or an artist or both! The creator signup link will be provided here as soon as the Google Form is up.If you are below the age of 18, you may sign up on two conditions; due to the nature of 2ha, we would ask you to at least be 16, and you may not sign up for NSFW or Dead Dove content. Stick to SFW content and indicate this on the Google Form. Thank you!Upon signing up, please make sure to be honest about what characters, ships, and content you are willing to draw and write about. That will greatly help make the assignment process smoother! After the signup, you will at one point receive a Discord invite for a server, and later a Google Sheets document once the signups are finalized so that you can have a first look around the document for when donations start.There are no set expectations for writers, nor for artists. We are aware that everyone is doing this on a voluntary, unpaid basis. Given that the donations range from 5 Dollars to 8 Dollars, you can aim for whatever you find fitting for that price. Sketches (cleaned) and about 1k words of fanfiction would be what we would advise to be roughly the minimum; if things end up less, or shorter, that’s also fine! If they end up more, or longer, that’s also completely fine and totally encouraged! The point is to fill everyone’s prompts, and also to have a little fun while creating. Make sure not to overexert yourselves. A certain level of skill is also not required. Everyone is free to join!Likewise, if you have trouble fulfilling a prompt or feel uncomfortable doing so given the prompts itself or the donator, please reach out to us as fast as possible so we can reassign the prompt (with your @ and the prompt number; you do not need to disclose the reason). There will be a check-in with unfulfilled prompts roughly 6 weeks after the event period ended to make sure that we can reassign prompts if we need to. You may however take longer to complete the prompts.

2ha Gotcha Posting Guidelines


Expectations: There is no limit for words, but perhaps aim for a minimum of roughly 1k words. Beyond that, you can go however far you like; if it’s less than that, it’s also totally fine! Just keep in mind people donate money for their prompts and treat your creation with according seriousness.Posting on Ao3: It would be highly appreciated if you post your finished written words to Ao3 for simplicity reasons. Please post it to the collection which you can find here, of which the link will be inserted here once it's been made, so we can all view how much we've created together! You may also submit your fics to the collection anonymously; the mod organizing it may see your username, but it will be a completely judgment free-zone, and information will be kept confidential.
Make sure you properly (trigger) tag your work so we can ensure a safe environment for all readers! If your prompter has indicated their Ao3 name in the prompt, you’re very welcome to gift your work to them, but this is optional.
If you do not post to Ao3, make sure it’s posted in a way that is accessible to your prompter. If need be, DM the mods to pass on a document via DM/E-mail etc.
Posting on your Social Media: You should post your fic on social media in some way to ensure your prompter sees it, as well so that the event runners can tick it off as completed. If you’re uncomfortable doing so, you may also dm it to your prompter, and then to us - or only to us if you want to remain anonymous even to your prompter. It just has to get to us in one way or another! Tldr: If you post it, tag the prompter and @2haAction. If not, pass it to us so we can pass it to your prompter and tick it off. You can also use the hashtag #2haaction if you want to!


Expectations: Draw however much you feel inspired to draw! At least a sketch is necessary to complete a prompt, but the sketch can be in whatever style you like.
NSFW Art: When posting NSFW art, make sure to use the twitter feature to hide sensitive content in pictures. If you post somewhere else, make sure to treat NSFW as according to the website.
Tagging the prompter: Tag the prompter either in the twitter/tumblr post itself if they are on the same site as you; if not, send it to them via DMs, or to us with an indicator as to whom it’s for, and we will pass it on! If you want to remain anonymous, send it either only to the prompter if you’re comfortable enough with that, or else to the mods!Tagging 2haAction: Please tag us so that we can retweet your work and thus promote it, but also so we can mark it off as complete! If you can’t tag us on twitter/tumblr, make sure to let us know you have completed the work with some kind of receipt so we can mark it off as complete that way! Tagging with #2haaction is optional but appreciated!

2ha Gotcha Donations

To make a donation count, it has to be a donation to Care for Gaza or one of the Go Fund Me’s listed below. The donation links are all down there! Upon donating, please screenshot/download proof of payment so we can make sure you’ve donated! Donate directly on the GFM site if making a decision to donate to a GFM. For Care for Gaza, you can donate through their GFM, or their paypal link on their twitter.There is no limit to how often you can donate! You get prompts according to the amount of money spent, so go wild!Prompts will be assigned at random within the groups of people who can fill said prompt. There will be a selection of whether you want your prompt to be art, fic, or either of them on the request form. We cannot guarantee you will 100% receive the artform you want, but we will try our utmost best! Please be understanding that prompt assignments might not perfectly match up, and that they might take some time.If you are a minor, you are completely free to donate, however you can only request non-Dead Dove and SFW content. Thank you for your understanding!When requesting a prompt with triggering material, put a warning if needed; while we will most definitely end up having Dead Dove authors, if there is no one that can fulfill your prompt, we will DM you so you can ask for something different instead. The same applies for crossover prompts; we will try our best to find someone to fulfill it, but cannot assure you 100% that we can find someone.Prices are going to be in USD. If you cannot donate in USD, donate the approximate amount (as conversion rates change daily) in the currency you’re donating in using a conversion calculator (easily found on Google!). Please indicate what currency you have donated if not apparent at first glance. Please be aware that if you donate an E-sim, the amount of money you have spent may not perfectly match up with the prompts’ prices.

sfw art/fic $5
nsfw art/fic $8

Donation Form: Click Here to submit proof of donation(s) and your prompt(s)!
We will be adding more donation links as the event goes on.

2ha Gotcha Questions and Links

Our Tumblr and CuriousCat accounts can be found here! Feel free to check it out for any concerns or questions.


Q: Will there be a deadline for our works?
A: The drafted guideline is two check-ins within 10 weeks, the deadline itself is not fixed.
Q: Is there a way to mark myself as willing to take on extra prompts if I finish/make good progress on my first assignment?
A: Yes, there will be an option to take on extra prompts, e.g. in case of possible reassignments or freeform prompts.
Q: This is my first time joining, is it possible to submit the fanwork slightly late? If i encountered issues for instance
A: The deadline is not fixed. In case of any issues arising, please inform the mod responsible for prompt assignment (@meotosis).
Q: I haven't finished the books, can I still sign up?
A: Please mention that you do not want spoilers in the form, we can assign you spoiler-free prompts.

Currently our main mods are:
Jack (@powwidge) and Meo (@meotosis)

2ha Gotcha Basic Rules

There are some basic rules for everyone to adhere to during the event to make the experience as smooth as possible for the mods, the creators, and the prompters. Please respect them. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

- Please do not harass others for what they create or request. This event aims to donate money for people in need - fandom discourse does not belong here. As long as money is raised and creators can be found for a prompt, the prompt will be accepted unless it is downright discriminatory or something similar.- In the same manner, discrimination in general will not be accepted.- Whether you’re a creator or a donator, we would like to emphasize the importance of communication; if there is anything you would like to know or anything you’re concerned about, feel more than free to reach out! Depending on how much the event grow, DMs etc. might take a while to get to, so please remain patient while we sort through things. The mods are also just human and doing this in their free time. :)